ObjCShellz: BlueNoroff’s Latest macOS Weapon

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, the North Korea-linked nation-state group BlueNoroff has once again made headlines. Jamf Threat Labs recently uncovered a previously undocumented macOS malware strain dubbed ObjCShellz. This malware is attributed to BlueNoroff and is a critical component of the ongoing RustBucket malware campaign, which has been under scrutiny since earlier this year.

BlueNoroff’s Background:

BlueNoroff, also known as APT38, Nickel Gladstone, Sapphire Sleet, Stardust Chollima, and TA444, is a nation-state group affiliated with the notorious Lazarus Group. Specializing in financial crimes, BlueNoroff targets banks and the cryptocurrency sector, seeking to evade sanctions and generate illicit profits for the regime. The group has been linked to various cyber activities, and its tactics continue to evolve.

ObjCShellz Unveiled:

ObjCShellz, the newly identified macOS malware, serves as a “very simple remote shell that executes shell commands sent from the attacker server,” according to security researcher Ferdous Saljooki from Jamf Threat Labs. The malware was discovered as part of the RustBucket campaign, indicating its integration into a multi-stage malware delivery system facilitated by social engineering.

Attack Tactics and Targets:

BlueNoroff’s modus operandi involves luring prospective targets with promises of investment advice or job opportunities. Once enticed, the infection chain is initiated through a decoy document, leading to the deployment of ObjCShellz. While the exact targets of ObjCShellz remain undisclosed, the domain created by the attackers suggests a focus on the cryptocurrency industry or closely related sectors.

Functionality and Sophistication:

Despite its simplicity, ObjCShellz proves to be a functional tool, enabling attackers to execute their objectives effectively. The malware is written in Objective-C and operates as a remote shell for manual command execution on compromised systems. Its functionality aligns with the overarching strategy observed in BlueNoroff’s previous campaigns.

Global Response and Collaboration:

The disclosure of ObjCShellz comes amid a broader context of North Korea-sponsored cyber threats. Recent revelations, such as the Lazarus Group’s use of the macOS malware KANDYKORN, highlight the group’s ongoing efforts to exploit vulnerabilities in various platforms. The U.S., South Korea, and Japan have joined forces to establish a trilateral high-level cyber consultative group to combat cyber activities used as a major source of funding for North Korea’s weapons development.


BlueNoroff’s unveiling of ObjCShellz underscores the persistent and adaptive nature of nation-state cyber threats. As cybersecurity researchers continue to dissect these sophisticated campaigns, the need for robust defense measures becomes increasingly evident. The evolving RustBucket campaign serves as a reminder that staying ahead of cyber adversaries requires collaboration, awareness, and proactive defense strategies.

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